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Duo show, with Karin Lijnes
Millennium Gallery, Pretoria
October 2000
Criss-cross signifies intersections, crossings and spanning a gap; mapping and finding a route. It is also a synonym for Christ-cross (literally implying a duplication of Christ's cross), the cross before the alphabet in the Renaissance horn-books and the mark of the cross in general. In this exhibition criss-cross meant searching to links between words. hidden images and the endless attempt to order mundane events to find meaning.
The reference to the alphabet connotes reading (interpreting) situations: Christ-cross-row and Criss-cross-row both means 'alphabet'. Criss-cross suggests movement over surface whilst cross-cut refers to moving into depth: an incision or opening to reveal or analyse structure or strata. The geographical implication of strata in a work like Alphabet of water refers to the crossing of places: from the farm dam in the bushvelt of South Africa to walking through streets of Toronto. The book called Brother was created from an amunition box. embedding bandages and symbols of violent death, writing an incomplete story of a life.
Opening address by Wilma Cruise.
Also see Karin Lijnes
Exhibition referenced in an interview between Pieter GR de Villiers and Prof Annalet van Schalkwyk at Litnet: Landskap en kuns vanuit ’n ekoteologiese perspektief, 2020-04-20. Annalet van Schalkwyk. 2019-12-16. Die sublieme in die ekologie: ’n Ekofeministiese teologiese interpretasie van ’n Oos-Kaapse kunstenaar se ekologiese visie, spiritualiteit en identiteit, in LitNet Akademies (Godsdienswetenskappe).
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